Category: Tennessee
What are Tennessee’s Premises Liability Laws?
November 7th, 2019 by Attorney John Colvin

All property owners owe a certain degree of care to ensure that their premises are safe for visitors. How much care need be taken, however, depends in large part on the status of the visitor. If, for instance, a person is invited onto a retail store’s premises for business purposes, that company will need to […]
The First Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Winchester, TN?
October 31st, 2019 by Attorney John Colvin

Being involved in a car accident can be a frightening and traumatic experience, especially for those who sustain serious injuries. It’s still important, however, for motorists who find themselves in this position to take certain steps, including seeking medical attention, obtaining the contact information of the other parties involved, and retaining an attorney. To learn […]
How Does A Personal Injury Claim Work in Tennessee?
October 17th, 2019 by Attorney John Colvin

We are all required to use a certain degree of care when dealing with other people in our day-to-day lives. While many of us take great care to ensure that we don’t endanger others, many are not so conscientious. The worst-case scenario in these situations is that an innocent bystander is injured as a result […]