Category: Social Security Disability

Brain Scan

In order to collect Social Security Disability benefits, people with brain injuries must provide significant evidence that their condition meets the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability. But people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury may experience a wide range of symptoms – confusion, memory loss, impairment of motor skills– that interfere with their […]

Tennessee SSD Attorney

As of November, 28 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico had enacted laws allowing for public medical marijuana programs. But federal law still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, meaning it has no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. This conflict between state and federal laws may create […]

Social Security Disability Related Terms, Winchester TN | John R. Colvin Attorney at Law

It’s no secret that applicants for Social Security Disability often endure long wait times before receiving any benefits. If their disability is an illness, that illness may worsen significantly in the time they’re waiting to hear back about their claim. But the Social Security Administration will, in some cases, expedite disability claims, under its Compassionate […]

Tennesse SSDI Lawyer

Social Security Disability benefits can help you pay your bills if you suffer a debilitating injury and can’t work, but the Social Security Administration wants people to return to work if and when they’re able, even if they can work only part-time. To make that easier for SSD recipients, the SSA won’t cut off benefits […]

Social Security Disability Related Terms, Winchester TN | John R. Colvin Attorney at Law

The Social Security Disability application process is lengthy, under the best of circumstances. At your initial SSD interview, if you don’t have the information claims examiners request, your application may be further delayed. So, if you’re headed to the Social Security office in Tullahoma, Columbia, McMinnville, or Lawrenceburg for your SSD interview, prepare in advance […]

SSD Check From the US Treasury

On Aug. 23, an 80-year-old woman finally received her Social Security back-payment. She had been homeless for years, living in Washington, D.C., and carrying three suitcases full of documents regarding her Social Security claim. After years of being repeatedly ignored or dismissed as a person who was mentally ill, a social worker took an interest […]

Social Security Disability Facts

When people apply for Social Security Disability benefits and their claim is denied, they can appeal. The first step is asking for a reconsideration, wherein someone not involved in the initial decision reviews the claim and issues a decision. If that reviewer affirms the initial denial, the next step for the claimant is seeking a […]

Social Security Disability Facts

Many people believe that if they should become disabled, they can count on Social Security Disability Insurance for support. And while SSDI has helped millions of Americans, many more applicants have been denied benefits, or lost their benefits, for reasons that seem unclear. Following are some important facts about SSDI that may help applicants and […]

SSD Payments and the IRS

March 9th, 2016 by Attorney John Colvin

Social Security Disability Related Terms, Winchester TN | John R. Colvin Attorney at Law

As the 2016 tax deadline approaches, people receiving Social Security Disability Income often wonder if they’ll owe taxes on SSDI payments. However, like most other aspects of the SSDI program, the answer is: It depends. The Internal Revenue considers a variety of factors to determine your tax obligation, including your income, your spouse’s income, and […]

Stack of Medical Records

If you’re preparing to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance, you may already be aware that it’s a lengthy process requiring a lot of information about your health. Once you’ve gathered the appropriate documentation – treatment records, physician opinions, and results of medical tests, for example – you may assume that will be enough for […]

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